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Sunday, March 1, 2015

31 Days of Children's Books Inspired by Artists- DAY 1: Klimt

Title: Klimt and His Cat, by Berenice Capatti and Octavia Monaco  
Estimated time: 45min-1 hour 
About the artist: (1862-1918) Gustav Klimt was an Austrian painter.  Most people are familiar with his art nouveau works and his gold leaf paintings. He's well known for painting women. Their faces and hands are quite realistic, while their clothing disappears into the decorative patterns and shapes of the background. 
Summary: Read Klimt and His Cat, then study his works. Follow this lesson to create an artwork inspired by Klimt.
Objectives: Identify the elements of art (line, shape, form, space, value, texture and color), Understand and apply media, techniques, and processes, Understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures, Reflect and compare their works with the artist
    • Photo of a cat (or human), we printed a picture of our cat, but magazines work too!
    • Thick brown paper(Trader Joe's bag will work) or white cardstock
    • Patterned scrapbook paper or magazines
    • Metallic Gold Acrylic or tempera paint
    • Black Sharpies
    • Markers, Mostly golden colors , once most of the art is created throw in a couple other colors
    • Paintbrush
    • Glue
    • Scissors 
     The Tree of Life, Stoclet Frieze, c. 1909
    What shapes do you see? Do you see any animals? What colors did Klimt use? What is your favorite part of the painting? Why?

    Klimt Collage:
    1.  Print out photo of cat (or human).
    2. Cut the cat's face out.
    3. Glue to white cardstock or brown paper. Think about placement. Make sure you glue down so there is plenty of space to create the body.
    4. Cut a body for your cat from scrapbook paper or magazine picture, then glue that to your paper. (My daughter wanted to use jewels on her cat. Find some pictures of jewelry and add character.)
    5. Now use your sharpie to fill in the patterns around your cat. Think about the shapes Klimt uses. Swirls, triangles, circles, squares, etc.
    6. Color in with golden colors
    7. Add Gold! Paint areas with metallic gold paint and add glitter glue to decorate.
    8. Voila! Klimt inspired artwork.

    These images are suitable for children, please be aware when doing a search for artists you may find imagery that is not age appropriate.

    31 Days of Children's books Inspired by Artists


    1. I love these posts! What a brilliant idea to make a craft inspired by a book inspired by an artist! The Klimt Kittens are hilarious.

    2. Thank you so much! It's a great way to teach kids about artists and there are SO many wonderful books out there.
