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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Art in Public Places

Have you taken your child to visit a local art museum or gallery lately? Most parents probably feel a little intimidated about discussing art with their children for lack of knowledge. Take the first step and start  by asking one simple question, "What do you see?"  Often their curiosity will open up a dialogue that leads to discussions you could not have prepared for by reading an artists' intent. Art is good for your mind, it creates an opportunity for critical thinking!


Five easy steps for talking with children about art- TinkerLab

  1. Find real art. Looking at a real piece of art can be a far richer experience than looking at a reproduction (like a poster)You don’t have to go to the “best” museum to make this happen, just find something that captures your child’s imagination. Talk about art in your home or look for a public sculpture in a town square. 
  2. Be open-minded. Expect that the child will have his or her own ideas about the art, and try not to interject your own ideas of wrong + right into the conversation.
  3. Encourage careful looking. Get up close or take a look from a different perspective (up high, the side, far away, walk around it)
  4. Ask open-ended questions such as “What do you see?”, What’s going on in this picture/sculpture/installation/etc.”and exploratory questions such as “Do you have any ideas about how the artist made this?”, “If you could add something to this artwork, what would you like to add?”, “If this artwork could talk, what might it say?”, “What would you title this piece?”
  5. Look for an opportunity for related art-making. Making art can help strengthen a child’s understanding and critical thinking skills as they interpret what they saw in two or three-dimensions.
"Tinkerlab supports parents and teachers who want to raise confident and creative thinkers, through child-directed and process-oriented projects."

Did you know that there are many FREE locations in Knoxville to experience art? 

1. Art in Public Places is an annual Dogwood Arts event featuring large sculptures in public places. Head out soon to check out this free event before it gets too cold! Downtown Knoxville and McGhee Tyson Airport- Now until March 20, 2015. Get up to date information on the Dogwood Arts events here.
Left to Right Top: 1. John Parker "Daddy Longlegs", 2. Mark Chatterley "Weight of Memory", 3. Shawn Morin "Final Fandango", 4. Luke Achterberg "Calibration", 5. Duke Oursler "Sailor's Warning"
Left to Right Bottom: 1. D.W. Martin "Mimic", 2. Douglas Gruizenga "Intergalactic Subatomic Particle Enhancer", 3. Dora Natella "Sentinel", 4. Glenn Zweygardt "Homage to PI", 5. Austin Collins "Fern Temple II"

2. Knoxville Museum of Art. Free Admission. Open: Tuesday-Saturday: 10am-5pm and Sunday: 1pm-5pm. 1050 World's Fair Park, Knoxville, TN 37916
3. Local Art Galleries/First Friday: Always check to see what art exhibits are currently showing for age appropriate subject matter.

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